Monday, May 26, 2008

Conservatives Win!

October 26, 1955 - Anthony Eden had become the new Prime Minister following the defeat of Labour at the polls. Many have cited the economic downturn of the nation as the contributing factor to Labour's fall from power.

Eden has vowed to initiate talks with Germany in order to join the Economic Union as part of his economic plan to salvage Britain's manufacturing sector. He has aslo sworn to cut military spending and to consider granting independence to what few British colonies remain.

Atlee's popularity has been declining since the last election in 1952. Failed wars with South Africa in Botswana, Rhodesia, Swaziland, and Lesotho coupled with Labour's socialist policies failing to stimulate the economy have led to a rush to embrace the Conservatives.

With the pounds value fast falling, many are afraid of what the future holds.

SOURCE: Manchester Guardian

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