Friday, May 23, 2008

Changes to Our Timeline 1940 - 1949

May 1940 - Operation Babarossa launched

July 1940 - Siege of Leningrad begins

August 1940 - Kiev falls to Wermacht

August 7, 1940 - Operation Wotan launched

September 1940 - Moscow falls. Soviet Union surrenders

September 1940 - Mongolia falls to Imperial Japanese forces

October 1940 - Greece surrenders to Italy

November 1940 - Thomas Dewey elected President of the United States

November 1940 - Xinjiang declares independence

January 1941 - First SS Units enter the Congo

April 1, 1941 - Japan invades Siberia

April 8, 1941 - President Dewey enacts sanctions to cripple Japan's economy

April 1941 - Germany occupies Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikstan, Kyrgyzstan

April 20, 1941 - Norway, Denmark, Holland, and Belgium annexed to the Reich

October 7, 1941 - Japanese attack of Pearl Harbor

October 8, 1941 - United States declares war on Japan

October 11, 1941 - Hitler declares war on the United States

October 11, 1941 - Siam surrenders to Japan

October 25, 1941 - Guam and Wake Island captured by Japan

November 1941 - Malaya falls to Japan

December 1941 - Singapore surrenders to Japan

March 1942 - German forces land in Labrador

April 12, 1942 - Japanese Imperial Navy defeats the US Navy at Battle of Midway annihilating American presence in Pacific

July 8, 1942 - Armistice ends conflict between Russia and Japan

December 7, 1942 - Early stages of Hawaiian invasion by Japan begins

January 1, 1943 - Panama Canal attacked

March 19, 1943 - Battle of Burnsville. American forces abandon Canada

April 1943 - Blitz begins (aerial attack by Luftwaffe on New York City)

May 1943 - National Party under DF Malan wins elections in South Africa

May 1943 - Battle of Troy. Patton and Rommel meet for the first time

June 1943 - Royal Indian Mutiny

July 1943 - Battle of New York

July 8, 1943 - Battle of Cape May. US Northern Atlantic Fleet decimated by Raeder and the Kriegsmarine

August 5, 1943 - First Battle of the Atlantic. Tactical victory of Kriegsmarine over US Atlantic Fleet

August 1943 - Ottawa surrenders to Guderian

August 1943 - Boston surrenders to Rommel

September 21, 1943 - Sichuan Clique allies with Wang Jingwei

October 1943 - Battle of Blue Water Bridge. German drive into Michigan via Canada

October 3, 1943 - Battle of Harrisburg

October 18, 1943 - Battle of Pittsburgh

November 27, 1943 - Chiang Kai-Shek executed by Provisional Government

December 1943 - Hawaii falls to Japan

February 1944 - UK and Japan agree to an armistice ending conflict in Asia

March 1944 - Atlee becomes Prime Minister via Labour victory in UK

April 30, 1944 - Indianapolis surrenders to Guderian

May 14, 1944 - Cincinnati falls to combined forces of Rommel and Guderian

June 6, 1944 - Battle of Charleston, largest amphibious assault in history

July 4, 1944 - Washington DC falls to German forces. President Dewey dies. Secretary of State Dulles made president

August 1944 - Armistice between US and Third Reich

October 31, 1944 - United States signs peace treaty with Germany

March 3, 1945 - Germany detonates first nuclear weapon

April 30, 1945 - Albert Speer made Chancellor of German Reich. Goering declared President

August 15, 1945 - India declared an independent state with Bose as president

February 4, 1949 - Strom Thurmond declares independence of southern states leading to resurrection of Confederacy

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