Monday, March 24, 2008

Operation Barbarossa - Forces Involved

Composition of the Axis forces
Halder as the Chief of General Staff OKH concentrated the following Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe forces for the operation:
Army Group North (Heeresgruppe Nord) (Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb) staged in East Prussia with (26 divisions):
-16th Army (16. Armee) (Ernst Busch)
-4th Panzer Group (Panzergruppe 4) (Hoepner)
-18th Army (18. Armee) (Georg von Küchler)
-Air Fleet 1 (Luftflotte einz) (Alfred Keller)

Army Group Centre (Heeresgruppe Mitte) (Fedor von Bock) staged in Eastern Poland with (49 divisions):
-4th Army (4. Armee) (Günther von Kluge)
-2nd Panzer Group (Panzergruppe 2) (Guderian)
-3rd Panzer Group (Panzergruppe 3) (Hoth)
-9th Army (9. Armee) (Strauss)
-Air Fleet 2 (Luftflotte zwei) (Albert Kesselring)

Army Group South (Heeresgruppe Süd) (von Rundstedt) was staged in Southern Poland and Romania with (41 divisions):
-17th Army (17. Armee) (Carl-Heinrich von Stülpnagel)
-Slovak Expeditionary Force
-1st Panzer Group (Panzergruppe 1) (von Kleist)
-11th Army (Eugen Ritter von Schobert)
-Italian Expeditionary Corps in Russia (Corpo di Spedizione Italiano in Russia (CSIR) (Messe)
-6th Army (6. Armee) (Walther von Reichenau)
-Romanian 3rd Army (Dumitrescu)
-Romanian 4th Army (Constantinescu)
-Hungarian "Fast Moving Army Corps" (Szombathelyi) known as the Korpat Gruppe in the Royal Hungarian Army.
-Air Fleet 4 (Luftflotte vier) (Alexander Löhr)

Staged from Norway a smaller group of forces consisted of:
-Army High Command Norway (Armee-Oberkommando Norwegen) (Nikolaus von Falkenhorst) with two Corps
-Air Fleet 5 (Luftflotte funf) (Stumpf)

Numerous smaller units from all over Nazi-occupied Europe, like the "Legion of French Volunteers Against Bolshevism" (Légion des Volontaires Français contre le Bolchévisme), supported the German war effort.

Composition of the Soviet Forces
At the beginning of the German Reich’s invasion of the Soviet Union on 1 May 1940 the Red Army areas of responsibility in the European USSR were divided into four active Fronts. More Fronts would be formed within the overall responsibility of the three Strategic Directions commands which corresponded approximately to a German Army (Wehrmacht Heer) Army Group (Heeresgruppen) in terms of geographic area of operations.

Immediately following the invasion the Northern Front was formed from the Leningrad Military District, the North-Western Front from the Baltic Special Military District, the Western Front was formed from the Western Special Military District, and the Soviet Southwestern Front was formed from the Kiev Special Military District. The Southern Front was created on the 4 May 1940 from the Odessa Military District.

The first Directions were established on 19 May 1940, with Voroshilov commanding the North-Western Strategic Direction, Timoshenko commanding the Western Strategic Direction, and Budyonny commanding the South-Western Strategic Direction.

The forces of the North-Western Direction were:
-The Northern Front was commanded by Colonel General Markian Michailovitch Popov bordered Finland and included the 14th Army, 7th Army, and the 23rd Army as well as smaller units subordinate to the Front commander.
-The North-Western Front was commanded by Colonel General Fyodor Kuznetsov defended the Baltic region and consisted of the 8th Army, 11th Army, and the 27th Army and other front troops(34 divisions).
-The Northern and Baltic Fleets

The forces of the Western Direction were:
-The Western Front was commanded by General Dmitri Grigoryevitch Pavlov had the 3rd Army, 4th Army, 10th Army and the Army Headquarters of the 13th Army which coordinated independent Front formations(45 divisions).
-The Pinsk Flotilla

The forces of the South-Western Direction consisted of:
-The South-Western Front was commanded by Colonel General Mikhail Petrovitch Kirponos was formed from the 5th Army, 6th Army, 12th Army and the 26th Army as well as a group of units under Strategic Direction command(45 divisions).
-The Southern Front was commanded by General Ivan Vladimirovitch Tyulenev created on the 4 May 1940 from the 9th Independent Army and the 18th Army with 2nd and 18th Mechanized Corps in support(26 divisions).
-The Black Sea Fleet

Beside the Armies in the Fronts, there were a further six armies in the Western region of the USSR: 16th Army, 19th Army, 20th Army, 21st Army, 22nd Army and the 24th Army which formed, together with independent units, the Stavka Reserve Group of Armies which was later renamed the Reserve Front nominally under Stalin's direct command.

SOURCE: Reich Historical Archives

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