Saturday, March 15, 2008

Threat of War Averted

August 31, 1934 - Chiang Kai-shek once more has bowed to Japanese aggression, ceding control of Peking and Tianjin. Aides cite an intense conflict with communist forces for his decision to surrender rather than fight. "Internal pacification before external resistance" has become the buzz words of Chiang, though how much he will have left to defend with should he finally crush the communists is yet to be seen.

With an ever weakening Chinese situation, anonymous claim Germany may be rethinking its military alliance. Already, Reich officials have begun meeting with their Japanese counterparts for the possible formation of a order-shaking alliance.

As for China, the current situation continues to look bleak. The North China Plain is now wide open as a possible invasion route into the heart of China itself. With Germany edging away, the Japanese further emboldened, and a civil war with no end in sight, how long before Chiang's China falls apart?

SOURCE: New York Times

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